EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    prophecy re, in sentence pronounced on serpent in Eden PK 681
    watched sacrifices offered by Adam and sons DA 115
    compelled to be amid warring elements during Flood PP 99;3SG 70;SR 67;
    Jacob accused by, before angels PP 201
    permitted to sweep away Job’s possessions Ed 155
    Job was afflicted by GC 589
    god of Egyptian magicians was 1T 293
    counterfeit miracles performed by, before Pharaoh to oppose God’s work 1T 291-3;5T 697;
    twofold plan of, to destroy influence of Moses’ work 1T 291
    Israel hated by, with cruel and malignant hatred PP 688
    opposed resurrection of Moses by Christ EW 164;PP 478-9;4aSG 57-8;SR 173-4;1T 626;9T 239-40;
    miracles performed by, for witch of Endor 2BC 1022
    Samuel impersonated by 2BC 1022-3;PP 679;4aSG 84;
    real Samuel could not be presented by, at Endor PP 683
    defeated in plot to destroy Daniel 1T 296
4. During Christ’s sojourn on earth
    tried to destroy Christ when He was born DA 759;GC 438;
    earthly dominion of, in Christ’s time GC 514
    Christ’s baptism witnessed by DA 116
    death knell of, sounded when Christ was baptized 5BC 1078