EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    kingdom of, would have been established forever if he had been faithful PP 621
    kingdom’s defenses neglected by, while he hunted David PP 675
    kingship of, conditions of PP 603, 608, 679
    life of, proved a failure 2BC 1017;PP 682;
    like savage beast that had tasted blood 2BC 1020
    lost asses of, found near border of Benjamin PP 610
    lost his soul by persisting in having his own way 3BC 1164
    made miserable by envy PP 651
    man of tribe of Benjamin PP 608
    many people like, reject counsel and reproof 2BC 1016
    military service of, David as officer in PP 649
    mind of, brooding melancholy settled like dark cloud over PP 643
    modest self-depreciation expressed by, at first PP 609
    moody and dissatisfied after Jonathan’s victory PP 625
    most brilliant victory of, was over Amalekites PP 629
    moved impulsively 2BC 1016
    new heart given to 2BC 1013
    Nob destroyed by PP 659;4aSG 84;
    oldest daughter of, promised in marriage to David PP 652
       was married to another than David PP 652