EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
    needed because child training is neglected at home CT 204-5
    number of advanced studies taught by, does not make it a power CT 213
    part of each day in, manual training should be given CT 211
    pattern, after schools of prophets CT 208
    pretentious display of learning in, is worthless CT 207
    power for good in: does not lie in calling it a “college” CT 206
       does not lie in number of languages it teaches CT 206
       does not lie in telling how big it is CT 206
    publicity that is best for CT 206
    publicity that should not be given to CT 205-6
    saving of souls in, worth far more than intellectual training CT 207
    send children to, for education based on Scriptural foundation CT 205
    SDA need CT 203, 209
    should give instruction in: correct use of English language in reading, speaking, and writing CT 207-8
       fundamentals CT 205
       manual labor CT 208
       neatness, order, and thoroughness CT 211
    silence that is good for CT 206-7
    size of buildings does not make, a power CT 213
    small, God will open ways to establish CT 204