EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
    camp meetings as 9T 120-1
    Christian family should be AH 547
    city mission as, for training gospel workers GW 364-6;MM 303, 308, 322-3;
    connected with missions, need of Ev 107
    establish, in islands of sea 9T 51
    every SDA church should be MH 149
    financing of, principles for 6T 216
    for training miss. workers, S. N. Haskell conducted Ev 470
    gospel workers connected with FE 108
    home as MYP 329-30
    home circle as AH 182
    instruction re med. miss. work should be given in CT 519-20
    larger SDA churches need GW 75
    med. miss. men with deep knowledge of Scriptures are needed in CT 484
    mission, gospel workers connected with FE 108
       study of Bible should be of primary importance in FE 108
    needed for gospel workers in New York City Ev 385-6
    needed in connection with evangelistic efforts in cities 9T 111
    needed near health institutions 9T 178
    our schools should be FE 114;6T 152;