EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
    worthy of its cost Ed 218
    See also Industrial training
11. Lands of or for
    nearby, sale of CS 240
       use, for school purposes 6T 181
       growing fruit and vegetables FE 322;GW 457;
       orchards and gardens WM 184
       providing work for students 6T 177
       students to cultivate CT 312
    portion of, should be made into park 6T 187
    private dwellings should not occupy 6T 181-4, 187
    purchase of CS 240;GW 457;9T 271-2;
    secure, at distance from cities 8T 215
    secure enough, to carry out God’s plans GW 457
       to keep people from building near it GW 457
    should be more faithfully cultivated FE 512
    should not be disposed of for people to build private dwellings on 6T 184
12. Personnel of
    best ministerial talent should be brought into CT 431;Ev 475;6T 134-5 See also Teacher;