EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
    child’s duties in, manual training should be part of FE 417
    child’s training before he is ready to attend CG 300-2
    children should not attend, until eight or ten years old 3T 137
       while very young FE 145, 156-7, 416
    children would not be sent to, if they did not need educating FE 263
    children’s health and FE 59-61
    Christian influence should pervade FE 473
    cities near, should be regarded as mission fields 9T 80
    close, rather than allow their outgo to exceed income CS 271
       than run it into debt 6T 211
    compared to garden CT 231-2
    conduct, on high plane of efficiency 9T 83
       so as to bring new incentives to practical labor FE 324;LS 355;
       so as to make students and teachers more efficient CT 545
    conducted according to His design, God will bless CT 533
    conferences expect educated and well-trained workers to come from 6T 215
    confinement in, children made nervous and diseased by FE 60, 145
    confining children rigidly to grades in, is not wise CT 177
    contention and disorder in, do not introduce ideas that will cause FE 483
    controversy in, when once-stated opinions are crossed FE 469