EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
    higher standard should be reached by 8T 87
    home and, co-operation between Ed 283-6
       one in God’s plan of education for Israel FE 95
    homes of See School home
    houses should not be clustered about FE 322
    how to have, where angels love to linger 5T 31
    human inventions pressed by Satan into, by advice and counsel FE 358
    ideas leading to contention or disorder should not be brought into FE 483;GW 395;
    improper posture in, children’s frames often deformed by FE 145
    in America, foreign students attending 2SM 314
    income of, should pay necessary running expenses 6T 211
       should supply students with things essential for their work 6T 211
    individual responsibility needed in 4T 186
    industries in See School industry
    infidel sentiments should not be presented in FE 174
    instruction in, use language easy to understand for giving CT 261
    investment of means in 9T 57-8
    is God’s property 6T 187
    keep, free from debt 6T 207, 213, 217
    knowledge of Christ must be made first in FE 484