EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
    located in retired localities, students are not placed beyond reach of temptation in FE 422-3
    located near sanitariums, advantages of CD 450;CH 242-3, 542;CT 519-20, 522;2SM 296;9T 178;
    location of FE 421-3;LS 351-6;
       centers of business and learning are not best for FE 421
       great cities are not best place for FE 421
       things that should be considered in Ed 211
    long courses of study in, loss sustained by students as result of CT 392
    made a power by faithful work of teachers and students CT 213
    make, as homelike as possible 6T 208
    manual labor and study should be combined in 3T 159
    manual training in, can largely take place of gymnasium 5T 523
    many places ought to have been provided with 7T 102
    med. training in, need of preparatory CT 479;FE 489;
    mental and physical work should be combined in MM 81
    ministers should be trained by, to reach higher attainments in knowledge of Scriptures and sciences 6T 440
    mistakes made in, one of greatest FE 534
    mold of God needed in every department of 5T 587
    money borrowed to establish, pay back 6T 183
    moral atmosphere of, must be kept pure 4T 206
    moral and religious influence in, how to preserve 4T 431