EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Scripture, Scriptures   [2390]
       understood by some people to suit their own particular minds and cases 7BC 945;1SM 20;
       why many people cannot harmonize their views of science with GC 522
    statute book: by which men will be judged EW 52
       in judgment of the wicked GC 661
       of nations 8T 40
    storehouse supplying souls with nourishing food CT 341;TM 88;
    stories of: are food for children CG 506
       as means of educating children Ed 185
       children should be interested in CT 137
       well adapted to awaken children’s interest CT 181
    strong expressions of, Satan leads men to misconstrue GC 535
    student should keep, always near him Ed 191
    student to whom, will not be tiresome book COL 132
    student’s Guidebook CT 436
    study to believe and obey 7BC 928
    style of writing in, wide contrast in GC 6
    subjects unfolded in, diversity in nature of GC 6
    submit every desire and purpose to unerring test of 5T 192
    suitable proof from, used by Luther (Martin) to sustained his position GC 157
    suppression of: by Roman Church during Dark Ages GC 55-60, 266, 586;SR 332;