EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Scripture, Scriptures   [2390]
    erroneous teachings re, in Battle Creek College 1SM 23
    false: adopted during ages of papal darkness 5T 710
       Satan seeks to foist, upon men SR 355
       swept away by Christ DA 193
    fanciful: minister should avoid GW 147
       people who cling to 1SM 72
       that undermine faith 1SM 196
       warnings against CT 187
    frivolous or superficial, let there be no CSW 182
    human, how truth has been hidden by COL 105
    incorrect, Satan suggests SC 110;5T 705;
    influenced by men’s prepossessions, prejudices, and passions 1SM 20
    Jewish leaders by their, made them express sentiments God had never given CT 439
    literal, should not be given when symbol or figure is employed GC 599
    men teach traditions of men for commandments of God by their FE 309
    men who needed to be disentangled from their 1SM 20-1
    men whose, are not safe to trust SC 110
    men will arise with, which are not truth CW 32
    men’s opinions re, are many 2SM 82
    mystical, warning against GC 598