EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    passed from child to child 2T 392
    penalty for, how persons from ages of 30 to 45 pay CG 444
    pernicious habit 2T 349
    person cannot be Christian and practice 2T 410
    persons fully established in, impart it to associates 2T 392
    persons of apparently good deportment practice 2T 469
    persons practicing: appetite for unhealthful food clamors for indulgence in 2T 470
       are secretive 2T 469
       cannot be Christians unless they stop it entirely 2T 410
       duty of 2T 469
       take unwarrantable liberties with other sex 2T 469
    photographs and pictures that encourage, among the young 2T 410
    physical exercise protects youth from 2T 348-9
    practice of, increases with growth of children 2T 391
    practiced from ages of 15 years and upward, effects of CG 444
    practiced nearly whole lifetime by some people 2T 469
    prayer for freedom from CG 452
    prayer for person practicing 2T 350-1
    prevalence of, among children 4T 97
    reading of novels that encourages, in children 2T 481