EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    loss of: healthy tone of sensitive nerves of brain 2T 347
       power of self-restraint 2T 392
    lung trouble CG 444
    melancholy, irritability, and jealousy 2T 392
    mental sensibilities deadened 2T 347
    mind debased 2T 404, 481
    mind enfeebled 5T 91
    mind fascinated by impure thoughts 2T 470
    mind given up to low passions 2T 470
    mind seriously injured 2T 392
    mistakes 2T 469-70
    moral and intellectual faculties overborne by baser powers 2T 470
    moral powers weakened and benumbed 2T 409
    moral sensibilities benumbed 2T 404
    moral sensibilities unable to appreciate spiritual things 2T 470
    mortification and regret 2T 470
    neuralgia CG 444
    not the same on all minds 2T 392
    numerous pains in system CG 444