EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       debasing vice 2T 347, 470
       favorite and bewitching sin 2T 469
       hellish practice 2T 403, 410
       pernicious habit 2T 469
       soul-and-body-destroying practice 2T 347, 392, 410, 470
       soul-debasing 2T 347
       steadily increasing 5T 529
       terrible indulgence 2T 470
       unnatural desire for sensual indulgence 2T 347
       vicious practice 2T 402
    love stories that foster, in children 2T 481
    man who practiced, from childhood 2T 349-52
    man who was a self-murderer because of CG 451-2
    marks of, placed upon children 2T 406
    married man who practiced 2T 350-3
    middle-aged man who had practiced, from boyhood 2T 350-3
    notable case of 2T 349-52
    not all feeble youth are guilty of CG 445
    novels foster, among youth 2T 410
    parental responsibility for, by abuse of marriage privileges 2T 391