EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Serpent, Serpents   [64]
    sentence pronounced by God upon PP 58;SR 39-40;
       hope intimated to man in PK 681
       significance of DA 115
    speaking, Eve lingered wonderingly to hear PP 54
    talking, Eve startled by hearing SR 33
       Eve’s curiosity to hear 3SG 40
    with power of speech, Eve astonished at EW 148
2. Miscellaneous Aaron’s rod became PP 263-4;3SG 205-6;SR 116;5T 696-8;
    brazen: Christ symbolized by DA 174-5, 415, 485;PP 430-2, 475;SD 222;4T 120;
       foreshadowed manner of Christ’s death AA 226;4aSG 42;
       lessons taught by PP 430-2
       lifted up by Moses before Israel 1BC 1116;DA 174-5;PP 430;4aSG 42;SD 222;1SM 352;5T 202;8T 50;TM 93;
       no explanation as to how healing could be effected by looking to DA 175
       no virtue in, to heal DA 174;PP 430-2;4aSG 42;
       thousands today need to learn lesson taught by DA 175
    charm of, which stings to spiritual death MM 112
    cunning of, false teachers who manifest GC 521
    Egyptian magicians made their rods appear like PP 264;3SG 205-6;1T 716;5T 696-7;
       by Satan’s power PP 264;3SG 206;5T 697;
    fiery: called “fiery” because they were very poisonous PP 429