EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Serpent, Serpents   [64]
       wilderness of Israel’s wanderings was infested with 4aSG 41
    Moses’ rod became PP 253;3SG 192;5T 697;
    old, wiles and subtleties of 5T 409
    persons who grasp at, which will sting them TM 335
    Satan could not produce PP 264;5T 697;
    Satan is represented by Te 283
    Satan symbolized by PP 431
    sting of, ready to be driven into your heart 4T 595
    subtlety of, Satan works with 5T 384
    trembling bird charmed by CH 459;Ev 607-8;5T 198;
    venom of, Roman Church concealed GC 571
    venomous, shun flattery as Ev 679-80
    with deadly sting 2T 457-8
    See also Rattlesnake; Viper
       lesson of, for those in sin OHC 20.2
       look to, in need not waiting to be perfect 3SM 149.3
       refused by many TMK 112.3
    lifted up, meaning of, explained to Nicodemus FW 69.1