EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sick person, Sick persons abdominal muscles should be used by, in breathing MH 264-5    [150]
    wise words need to be spoken to MH 223
    without God and hope, many MH 246
    work that is light and pleasant benefits 7T 82
    work of relieving, in harmony with Sabbath law DA 206
    work pleasant and easy should be provided for MH 264
    worthy poor: charity fund needed for med. treatment of 1T 494, 560
       church members should help to pay expense of med. treatment of 1T 640
       giving aid to 3T 173
       local church’s responsibility to 1T 494
       med. treatment of 1T 641
       unable to defray expense of med. treatment 1T 494
    See also Church member; Sick church member
    access to the people increased by ministry to RC 246.3
    caring for discouraged and, in personal labor CME 23.0
    Christ and His power to be pointed to for 3SM 296.1
    Christlike nurses and physicians needed by CME 18.3
    few, healed because of danger to self-esteem UL 375.7
    healing of,
       by lying wonders of Satan Mar 156.6
       in false miracles; apostasy from the church 3SM 408.0