EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sign, Signs   [175]
    of Satan’s authority, Sunday observance as 7BC 977
    of Satan’s working, written all over drunkard Te 31-2
    of Son of man, small cloud as EW 15, 35, 286;GC 640;LS 65;2SG 32;1T 60;
    of submission to earthly powers, mark of beast as GC 605
    of true church, Roman Catholics boast of having GC 588
    people today want, as in Christ’s time 2SM 95
    perpetual, temple as PK 46
    Pharisees demanded, of Christ DA 406-7
    promised to Christians of Jerusalem GC 30
    Sabbath as See Sabbath; Sabbath observance
    Satan’s agents will work 9T 47
    selecting of, in making decisions 2SM 327
    setting of, by which to decide one’s duty 2SM 28
    showing God’s people to be His special possession 7BC 969
    Sunday as See Sunday; Sunday observance
    sundial’s shadow turned back 10 degrees as, to Hezekiah PK 342
    that: angel of mercy is about to take her flight 5T 451
       limit of God’s forbearance is reached 5T 451
       iniquity of USA is full 5T 451
    See also Mark of beast; Miracle; Seal of God; Wonder