EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sin, Sins   [1842]
       long preparatory process goes on in heart before Christian commits PP 459
       members guilty of, must be separated from church COL 71
       should be as openly confessed DA 811;MH 229;
    other people’s: do not be partaker of FE 482
       do not excuse anyone in sinning SC 32
       do not make your disobedience to God less sinful 2T 394-5
       very many people must pass through incredible suffering on account of 1T 362
       warning re making public DA 440
       you share in, if by acts you strengthen or force into activity their evil powers 2T 133
    parents’, children are not condemned because of GC 28
    petted and indulged, must be overcome MYP 91
       search out and overcome your MYP 91
    popular, of our day should be condemned 4T 396
    positive, in children as result of indolence 4T 98
    present, past fidelity cannot atone for 4T 370
    presumptuous, when sins of ignorance become 5T 436
    private, EGW assigned disagreeable work of reproving LS 177
    public, priest’s duty to pray for pardon of DA 99
    recorded, blotting out of GC 422;PP 357-8;
    results of forgiven, not now wholly removed 2SM 33