EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sin, Sins   [1842]
    Christ gave Himself for our COL 244-5
    Christ has power to forgive DA 268-70;MH 75-7;
    Christ hates, but loves sinner DA 462
    Christ is wounded afresh by every DA 300
    Christ made it possible for man to overcome, on his own account 3T 372
    Christ offers to take our, and give us His righteousness SC 62
    Christ was pierced by our SC 45
    Christ will not serve with our SD 13
    Christ’s blood alone can efface 1T 543
    Christ’s grace is sufficient to subdue MYP 108
    Christ’s power to forgive, shown in healing paralytic DA 267-71;MH 73-9;SC 50-1;
    Christ’s power to keep us from AA 306
    Christ’s servants must reprove PP 361
    church as a whole is in a degree responsible for, of its members 4T 491
    church’s accountability for, of its members 3T 265-70
    cleansing from, found only in blood of Christ 8T 291
    clear understanding of what constitutes, is needed 1SM 234
    comes in when temptation is yielded to 4T 358
    commission of: begins with evil thought 5T 177
       in mind before committing sinful act 2T 561