EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sinner, Sinners Advocate’s client when he approaches mercy seat 6T 364    [405]
    repentant (penitent): accepted before God as if he had not sinned SC 62
       as client of great Advocate 6T 364
       at late hour God will accept 2SM 182
       brought into partnership with Christ AA 579
       encircled with God’s arms of love PK 668
       is accepted before God as if he had not sinned SC 62;TM 40;
       joy of, when they see God’s face MH 421
       sin offering brought to sanctuary by GC 421-2;PP 354;
       Spirit’s work for AA 52
    repentant and returning, parable of prodigal son represents God’s willingness to receive 5T 632-3
    repenting, David’s history is full of significance to PP 726
    responsibility of all Christians to save 8T 18
    result of permitting, to live forever PP 78
    saint and, line of distinction drawn between MYP 390
    salvation of: all heaven works for TM 153
       forethought and divine wisdom needed to labor for 4T 263
       how to work for MH 161-70;6T 65;
       plain revelations of God’s will re 5T 631
    Satan endeavors to frighten, with thought that his case is hopeless PK 588
    Satan presents sins of, before him to discourage him PK 586