EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Skin   [63]
    cool bath tones up 1T 702
    diseases of, drugs may cause 4aSG 135;2SM 452;
    eruptions of, overworking digestive organs causes CD 174;2SM 415;
    excessive clothing debilitates 3T 74
    exercise aids, in expelling impurities MH 238
    exercise gives healthful glow to 2T 530
    exercise helps to keep, in healthy condition MH 238
    hand bath removes impurities from CH 58;2SM 463;
    impurities constantly collecting in 3T 70
    inactive, lack of exercise causes MH 238
       stimulants cause CD 422-3;Te 78;
    lack of exercise and pure air debilitates 2T 526
    sallow: biliousness indicated by MM 107
       breathing improperly causes MH 273
       living in unventilated air causes 1T 703
       stimulants cause CD 422-3;Te 78;
       tea and coffee drinkers have 2T 65
    sensitiveness of, to atmospheric changes 2T 526
    sick persons’, not in healthy condition 3T 70
    sponge bath removes impurities from 4aSG 143;2SM 463;