EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Social gathering, Social gatherings MYP 387-91    [43]
    among SDA, what should characterize TM 82
    approved by God TM 82
    cheap and coarse flattery in TM 83
    cheek made to flush by TM 83
    Christian, decided religious influence should characterize MYP 391
    conduct at, that God condemns CT 340
    display of dress and personal adornment in CT 339;TM 83;
    do not give, over to hilarity and mirth MYP 387
    eyes made to sparkle by TM 83
    for mere amusement, faith confused by CT 345
       promising young men are affected by CT 344
    frivolous conversation in, displeases God 2T 179-80
    God should be honored at MYP 387
    harmful to youth TM 85-6
    hilarity and foolish jesting in CT 339;TM 83;
    how to conduct CT 337
    how to conduct yourself at 2T 585-7
    in Battle Creek, that displeased God TM 82-3
    in which: conscience sleeps MYP 387;TM 83;
       God is forgotten TM 83