EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    messages of reproof sent to PK 77
    money expended extravagantly by ML 167
    money selfishly absorbed by, in ambitious projects PK 55
    oppressive PK 56
    overcome by sin 4T 12
    overmastering desire of, to surpass other nations in outward display PK 55
    perfection and beauty of character overlooked by, in seeking outward beauty 4T 628
    perverted appetite indulged by 3BC 1165;Te 14;
    polygamy corrupted 7T 218
    polygamy practiced by 4aSG 100
    profligate PK 58
    reign of, changed to despotism and tyranny PK 58
    ruins of idolatrous worship of, still seen in Christ’s time 2BC 1038
    ruins of pagan shrines of, witnessed 1,000 years to his apostasy 2BC 1032-3
    Satan’s effective agent GC 509
    satisfaction sought by, in pleasures of sense Ed 153;PK 76;
    seed sown by, reaped by his people in harvests of evil PK 79
    shattered nerves and wasted frame of 3BC 1165
    sin of, love of women was 2T 306
    sins and excesses of 2BC 1031