EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sorrow, Sorrows awaiting world, that no human balm can heal PK 277    [141]
       never indifferent to, of His children TDG 310.5
       sees our, and places hand on head of contrite one TMK 235.4
       walks beside us in HP 353.4
       was weighed with, as heavily as humans are today TDG 166.2
       wore robe of, to give us His robe of righteousness UL 223.2
    Christians have HP 268.2
    Christ’s path from manger to Calvary shadowed by TMK 66.2
    comes and goes HP 274.2
    comfort often given by those with greatest HP 273.2
    comforting others in, ordained by God TMK 45.2
    coming that no human can heal HP 342.4;Mar 175.5;3SM 418.4;
    complaining of, while staying in the shadow 2MCP 811.1
    dwell instead on bright and pleasant HP 274.2
    dwelling only on, thinking God has dealt hard with you TDG 233.4
    every heart has; we should try to lighten burdens TMK 187.3
    eyes fixed on God and His promise in 2MCP 462.1
    fled at Christ’s presence; injustice withered TDG 249.3
       bends low to hear the cry of those experiencing OHC 9.4
       chose, in giving His only Son HP 10.6