EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
       See also Hearts, approaches to
    bare, in secret prayer TMK 272.4
    barriers of,
       broken down by indulgence in sin OHC 15.4
       needed to protect purity TSB 190.2
    battle for, between Christ and Satan; many are ignorant HP 259.2
    beauty of, grace of Christ constitutes TDG 188.5
    beauty of, to correspond to beauty of nature FLB 274.6
    beholder of Christ will not push or neglect HP 293.3
    blessings must be appropriated to the FLB 22.3
    blinded by little neglects HP 226.3
    body, spirit and, educated, to highest degree TDG 90.2
    bound by Satan, Christ set free, rebuking Satanic agencies TDG 256.6
    bread of life broken for starving, after physical relief CME 26.2
    burden for, RC 204.4;UL 76.3;
       all who receive Word of God will have PM 47.1
       bringing them to the cross in love 1MCP 245.2
       by one experiencing conversion TDG 330.4
       claim promises of God’s help for TDG 209.3
       to be on our hearts TDG 171.6