EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
    careless, Christ invites, to open heart door TMK 106.3
    carelessness about; return to the Lord TSB 65.2
    cast helpless, on Jesus TDG 122.2
    change in, by controlling power of love OHC 73.3
       died for; He can awaken and soften and reveal truth PM 305.2
       is physician of, as well as of the body OHC 109.4
       owns every TDG 11.2
       refused by, will connect them with Satan HP 171.4
       renews lifeblood of, as He dwells within RC 128.8
       to be enshrined in TMK 187.4
       will do more for, than He did for the flowers OHC 196.3
       works for, with persistence LHU 212.2
       works to draw UL 296.4
       image on, when proud possessions emptied OHC 105.3
       love for, never more than when tempest-tried TMK 275.3
       sacrifice should stir every TMK 311.3
       way of presenting truth to, cannot be improved TDG 185.3
    circumstances purposed by God to benefit UL 48.3