EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
    entrusted capital to be improved for God TMK 87.3
    erring, See Erring
    expanded when united with God and meditating on His riches TMK 124.4
    expression of, from God-given thoughts and feelings FW 27.0
       in working for, taught by nets cast on right side TDG 253.2
       is lifeblood of; it gives health, judgment, etc. PM 303.1
       must work by love and purify; (a frequent statement) TMK 229.2
    faithfulness may save, and prevent misery TDG 20.4
    fashioned anew by Christ TDG 257.6
    feeling of self-sufficiency works ruin to many TMK 231.3
    flourishes amid unbelief and depravity if true to God RC 305.4
    food for,
       in the Bible SW 48.1
       makes every difference OHC 334.4
       manna of lessons and compassion of Christ HP 121.2
       neglected by being too busy OHC 280.2
       used in working God’s purpose FW 26.2
       with practical discourses RY 42.2
    garden of, cultivate, for pure influence OHC 175.4