EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
       in salvation; seek movings of Spirit of God LHU 326.5
       neglected by keeping Jesus away TDG 27.5
    joy in laboring for RC 236.3
    keeping of,
       by prayer, Bible study, and obedience OHC 221.5
       clean and pure UL 117.2
       commit to Christ UL 292.5
    leading of,
       in straight paths by one taught of God AG 138.2
       requires own life hid with Christ SW 28.1
    liberty of, destroyed by sin FLB 91.3
       in, by accepting completeness in Christ FW 108.1
       of, communion with God HP 72.4
       of, depends on spiritual food UL 258.3
       of, in Christ OHC 61.2
       of, needs habitual communion with God OHC 130.5
       of, revealed in outward conduct HP 22.8
       of God in, when truth is paramount OHC 208.7
    lifeblood of, Christ is OHC 209.8