EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
       for whom Christ died 1MCP 241.2
       given to humble workers as given to disciples TDG 115.3
       needed rather than unchristlike attributes TDG 99.2
       purity taught by those with TSB 116.0
       reveals love for God 1MCP 245.2
       spirit of Christ fills us with OHC 180.4
       when God has touched the heart CME 46.5
       Word presented when people have UL 16.7
    man became living, when body was put under law TDG 273.4
    medical evangelism tours help save 3SM 59.4
    merge, in will of God AG 150.2
    minister’s life to win; joking banished VSS 271.1
    ministry to, learned from the Friend of sinners HP 323.4
       by church members UL 305.4
       by wrong example is a terrible thing OHC 185.4
    money and time for houses and clothes mean TDG 86.2
    moral worth of, weighed in balances of sanctuary TMK 255.5
    moved by lightest whisper of Jesus TMK 361.4
    music used by Satan to control 3SM 332.2