EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
       that minister’s message might win TMK 270.3
       thought inessential is Satan’s idea for ruining HP 90.4
    praying, God sees struggles and sincerity of OHC 127.2
       because of cross of Calvary OHC 174.2
       even though poor UL 89.3
       to God HP 103.5;OHC 38.3;
    preparation of,
       for mansions Jesus went to prepare LHU 239.3
       to stand is a privilege Mar 183.5
    price/cost of,
       is infinite; colored race not to be neglected SW 31.1
       known only to God and Christ TDG 290.7
    progress of, adding graces through Christ 1MCP 94.3
    prosperity of, depends on unity and Christ’s atonement TDG 74.4
    protection of,
       weakened by circumstances RY 178.4
       with inspired counsel 1MCP 95.3
    proud imaginations to be removed from OHC 110.4
    purchased by the blood of Christ; treat them with care TDG 157.4