EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
    connection with Christ needed for TDG 92.4
    constant battle required in TDG 179.5
    continue in, though results are not immediate OHC 178.4
    converted voice and
    Christlike sympathy for PM 296.1
    David leads church intercession for 3SM 339.1
       by Christ; every one UL 360.2
       by disciples after receiving Holy Spirit UL 358.3
    earnestly, as shown in God’s Word TDG 370.3
    efforts (personal) in,
       and means called for PM 119.2
       and secret prayer in LHU 210.3
       to be unlimited UL 305.5
    end of, sooner than many suppose TDG 168.5
       for those who would enter heaven PM 285.2
       to receive heavenly inheritance FLB 304.2
    excuse of having no experience in TDG 218.4
    failures in, fewer by remembering we work with God TDG 119.2