EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
    urgent responsibility RC 368.2
    ways open for,
       when doing what one can TDG 155.2
       when working in earnest OHC 298.4
    when truth is revealed in the life TDG 25.6
    while tarnishing their thoughts TSB 197.2
    wise in, laboring with God TDG 229.3
    with every effort; Spirit of God being withdrawn TDG 198.5
    with whom you come in contact OHC 298.4
    words to be gentle in PM 307.1
    work of,
       Christ left to His church OHC 247.3
       given to those who receive Christ TDG 352.2
       required for CME 19.2
       with God for CME 20.4
    world’s greatest need RC 204.3
    See also Christ, mission of; Lost (people), seeking; Missionaries; Work, missionary
    sanctified by practicing lessons of Christ UL 371.5
    sanctuary of,