EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
to Satan for earthly treasure UL 355.7
    speak with tenderness for, when warning is needed TDG 21.5
    speaking evil jeopardizes TDG 298.3
    stain of, must be avoided through faith 2MCP 405.4
    stain on TSB 61.3
    stands or falls by own merits UL 32.5
       paths of, traversed by Christ 1MCP 184.3
       words from a pitying heart for UL 117.5
    strength to work for, at Battle Creek Mar 38.2
       by Bible study; (immortal vigor) LHU 111.8
       by contact with God through His works 2MCP 732.3
       by one filled with love of Jesus OHC 175.3
       authority not to be used to discourage TDG 25.2
       God helps, to recognize Him UL 81.5
       Jesus met need of, by surrendering Himself TDG 159.4
    success with, need felt by those who have LHU 358.3
    surrendered, never forsaken HP 74.7