EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
       cleanses, and fills with Christ’s character OHC 33.5
       purifies, making receivers like-minded with God RC 59.3
       sanctifies, by obedience TDG 148.3
    turned to righteousness by preaching
    instead of criticizing TDG 229.2
    unbelief wounds HP 269.5
    unguarded, Satan seeks to destroy TMK 286.3
    unprepared for event that will try every UL 344.2
    value of, OHC 98.4
       according to,
Christ’s estimate HP 60.3
the infinite sacrifice HP 305.4
       avoid cheap behavior remembering LYL 26.5
       by Christ’s estimate HP 80.4
       Calvary testifies OHC 257.5
       cannot be fully estimated UL 63.7
       Christ knows TDG 62.4
       cleansed and dedicated to service OHC 39.4
       (estimate) only Christ can make UL 42.2
       not appreciated; be united in brotherhood TDG 274.3