EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Soul, Souls   [954]
    hunger and thirst of, no human agent can satisfy MB 18
    if Christ abides in, He will be as living fountain DA 184-7, 195
    immortality of See Immortality
    in every congregation there are, hesitating and almost decided to be wholly for God GW 151
       on whom Spirit is moving GW 154
    interests of, cannot be trifled with MM 143
    is: never safe unless under divine guidance 6T 167
       not destroyed by decree from God 5T 120
       trained through personal effort with prayer of faith ML 99
    leprous with sin, Christ alone can heal 6T 279
    let not destiny of your, hang on uncertainty 6T 405
    life of, change that is felt when Christ becomes 1SM 114
       Christ must be 1SM 114
    lifeblood of, faith is 6T 472
    living for God and unmoved by censure and unperverted by applause shall abide forever with Him 4T 328
    looking wistfully to heaven, all over world there are AA 109
    maladies of, many people suffer from CH 502
    man who esteemed, for whom Christ died as of less value than his temporal interests 2T 627
    man’s, is palsied as result of sin 1SM 340
    many, are nearer kingdom of God than we suppose AA 140