EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Spice, Spices all kinds of, EGW had to dispense with 4aSG 154    [70]
    arouse animal propensities CH 114
    as aid to digestion, erroneous idea re CD 339
    blood is fevered by CH 114;MH 325;4T 141;
    blood made impure by MH 325
    blood-making organs cannot convert, into good blood 2T 383
    camp-meeting diet should be free from all 2T 602
    children should not use CD 239;4T 141;
    children’s appetite depraved by CD 239
    children’s diet should be free from 2SM 471
    chow-chow pungent with, nervous girl who liked FE 151
    corrupt blood Te 57
    destroy: health 2T 367
       natural sensitiveness of stomach’s tender coating CH 114
    diet free from, is blessing 2T 45
    diet without, best for persons with diseased livers 2T 67
    excites nervous system unduly 4T 141
    family that needed to discard, entirely 2T 485
    feverish state of system caused by CD 340
    fiery: condition of stomach irritated by CD 235-6
       create craving for something stronger CD 236