EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Spy, Spies   [56]
    accused Christ’s disciples of violating Sabbath DA 284-6
    accusers of brethren are as 3BC 1163
    Christ was closely watched by, during Sermon on Mount DA 307;MB 47;
    Christ watched by TDG 143.4
    dared not answer Christ in presence of multitude for fear of involving themselves in difficulty DA 286
    Joseph’s brothers accused of being PP 225;3SG 154-6, 158;
    petty, atmosphere of selfish and narrow criticism causes men to become MB 123
    sent by Jewish leaders to: Capernaum to find accusation against Christ DA 267, 395
       entrap Christ in His words DA 601
       find pretext for putting Christ to death DA 265
       watch Christ DA 213
    sent by Joshua to: Ai PP 493
       Jericho PP 482-3
    sent to watch Him, how Christ dealt with COL 22
    some gospel workers follow course of unworthy, by bringing discouraging report LS 306
    worldly wife or friend is as, in camp 2BC 1006