EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Standard, Standards or norms Bible. is safest to adhere to Ev 271    [174]
    God’s word is His people’s 5T 133, 506, 528
    held up in Beatitudes, everyone can reach 7T 270
    high: aim at MYP 370
       every gospel worker can reach GW 60
       God’s light bearers must ever keep 7T 137
       God’s people are to attain 5T 344
       gospel sets, before men 5T 88
       many people live as if they had no, to reach MH 498
       must be lifted up in sanitariums MM 163
       of righteousness has been set by God MM 132
       privilege of rising to SD 324
       world watches SDA because it knows something of their 9T 23
       youth should rise to MYP 47-8
    higher: call for FE 306
       call to TM 142-58
       God’s people called to reach AA 309-22
       God’s people must reach 5T 628
    higher than you yourself set, you will never reach COL 331
    highest, keep in view MYP 48
       ministers should reach TM 162