EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Standard, Standards or norms Bible. is safest to adhere to Ev 271    [174]
    highest Christian, youth should purpose to reach MYP 121
    highest possible, be persevering and determined to meet CT 505
    hold perfect, high above Satan’s false standard 7T 137
    how student can reach highest, in every line CT 283-4
    human: are like feeble reeds TM 419-20
       character is not to be measured by 1SM 315
       Christ is not controlled by any COL 397
       do not compare your actions and measure your life by 3T 322
       God does not estimate according to 6BC 1083
       God’s word is not to be judged by 5T 301
    in spiritual advancement, God’s people must reach a much higher 8T 70-1
    inferior, youth whose minds will not be dwarfed by 3T 367
    low: aim for no 5T 129
       be not satisfied with reaching MH 498
       no excuse for meeting TM 173
       students should not rest satisfied in meeting FE 301
       when you aim at, you will reach only low standard FE 376
    lowest, do not ask for SC 45
       do not study how little you may do to reach 7T 209
    men set up their own, when they reject God’s law 1SM 311