EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Standard, Standards or norms Bible. is safest to adhere to Ev 271    [174]
    minister must not set up his own, for the people 3T 460
    must be elevated far higher 5T 147
    never be afraid of raising, too high ChS 226;Ev 636;
    never forsake true, though to cling to it makes you a beggar MM 132
    no higher, than Christ’s life MM 160
    of attainment, present to gospel worker a high GW 60
    of character, Bible presents perfect 5T 264
       God’s word is GW 250
    of Christian excellence, how to reach AA 483
    of Christian service, Christ’s example is MH 162
    of efficiency and usefulness, consecrated youth who reach high MYP 41, 199
    of excellence and perfection, Christ’s life and spirit is the only 1T 408
    of His word, departure of God’s people from 3T 528
    of holiness same today as in apostolic times 5T 240
    of moral and intellectual attainments, what youth must do to reach highest CH 65
    of purity, temperance, and holiness must be uplifted CW 176
    of religion lowered by worldly conversation 5T 114
    of right and wrong: Bible is great CT 422
       God’s word presents 3T 194
       low, we cannot be excused for a moment in meeting TM 173