EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Study all, Christ must be brought into 6T 132    [212]
    excessive: creates morbid excitability tending to lessen power of self-control Ed 209
       increases flow of blood to brain Ed 209
       injures small children 3T 137
       is not frequent cause of illness in overindulged children 5T 91
       main cause of physical breakdown of students is not Ed 205
       many students erroneously supposed to have broken down from Ed 205
       physical breakdown caused by over-eating often is attributed to Ed 205
       physical powers become enfeebled as result of FE 351
       students in danger of premature death by CT 296
       students should not neglect physical exercise for 3T 149
       students warned against, while neglecting physical exercise CT 296-7
       students who become mentally unbalanced by FE 350
       students who leave college with shattered constitutions as result of 4T 424
       tends to lessen power of self-control Ed 209
       that is as great a sin as to overload digestive organs CT 296
       without physical exercise injures students 3T 155
       without physical exercise unbalances circulation of blood FE 60
       year after year, students suffer physical injury from 3T 149-50
    excessive devotion to, creates abnormal appetite CT 405
       many people ruin themselves by CT 413;FE 352;