EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Study all, Christ must be brought into 6T 132    [212]
    of Bible: demands most diligent effort and persevering thought Ed 189
       mental value of, consists also in effort required to grasp themes presented Ed 124
       mental value of, does not consist solely in searching out truth and bringing it together Ed 124
       no one can engage in, without developing mental power Ed 124
       physician needs time for CH 361-2
       See also Scriptures
    of books alone cannot give students discipline they need 5T 22
    of books that unfits students for responsibilities of everyday life Ed 265
    of foreign languages, ability to write and speak one’s mother tongue with ease and accuracy should be acquired before taking up Ed 234
    of God’s word, students are profited intellectually, morally, and spiritually by 5T 27
    of Greek and Latin, value of MH 443-4 See also Greek;Latin;
    of history: that gives broad and comprehensive views of life MH 441-2
       that is not best MH 442;8T 307;
       that is not to be condemned MH 441-2;8T 307;
       See also History
    of life, to keep body in healthy condition should be CD 18
    of lifetime, love of God manifest in gift of Christ is 4T 375
    of nature See Nature
    of philosophy, motive of many men in MH 442;8T 307;
    of Scriptures, should have first place in SDA system of education 5T 21 See also Scriptures