EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sun, Suns   [131]
    shining at noon needs no glimmerings of torchlight to increase its glory FE 391
    speaks of God’s love CS 17;SD 17;
    splendor of, Christ as a man noted with joy SD 135
    stood still at Joshua’s command DA 406;PP 508-9;
    sunlight cannot be separated from 1SM 371
    suppose that, should refuse to shine CM 152
    useful and glorious in fulfilling its mission LS 87;ML 130;
    using a torch to give light to COL 111
    venerable day of, heathen reverenced and observed Sunday as GC 52-3
       See also Sunday
    warmth imparted to buried seed by Ed 104
    when, will appear like God’s avenging eye GC 637-8
    will not pass away EW 41
    with moon and stars, as powers of heaven EW 41
    witnesses that God’s law is changeless and eternal DA 308
    worlds guided by God in march around 1SM 294
    See also Earth; Moon; Sun-god
2. Miscellaneous
    afternoon, aged gospel worker’s 2SM 221
    figure of, on black banner EW 211