EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Temple (second)   [300]
    guardian of, Christ took His position as DA 593
    hanging lamps used for illumination at, at night during Feast of Tabernacles DA 448
    held in great veneration by Romans and Jews DA 706
    Herod the Great lavished both Roman wealth and Jewish treasure on DA 575;GC 25;
    holy place of, Zacharias’s ministry when Gabriel appeared to him in DA 97-8
    honored by Christ’s living presence GC 24
    inferiority of, old men lamented GC 23;PK 563-4;
    inner veil of: beautifully wrought with gold, scarlet, and purple DA 775
       consisted of rich drapery SR 226
       heavy veil of tapestry served as DA 775
       made of pure linen DA 775
       no one but high priest ever lifted DA 757
       renewed yearly 1BC 1107;SR 226;
       significance of rending of, at Christ’s death DA 165, 233, 709;EW 209;
    instrumental music at, during Feast of Tabernacles DA 463
       during Passover festivities DA 774
    Jews rejected all that gave significance to, when they rejected Christ DA 165
    Jews rejoiced over DA 155
    Jews virtually destroyed, by putting Christ to death DA 165