EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Temple (second)   [300]
    sin of desecrating, rested in great degree on priests DA 163-4
    singing at, during Feast of Tabernacles DA 448
       during Passover festivities DA 774
    site of, plowed like field by Romans COL 295-6;GC 35;PK 713;
    Solomon’s porch of, Peter and John preached to people at AA 58-9
    steps of, white marble used in making DA 448
    stones of, described DA 627
    storerooms in, tithes and offerings were placed in PK 669-70
    superior to first temple because Christ would visit it 4BC 1176
    support of, every Jew required to pay half shekel yearly for DA 155
    swearing by, Christ’s warning re MB 66-9
    tables of God’s law were not in GC 24;PK 597;
    Titus promised to spare, if Jews would fight Romans elsewhere GC 32-3
    Titus viewed, from Mt. of Olives GC 32
    Titus’s efforts to save, were in vain GC 33
    Tobiah the Ammonite occupied apartment connected with PK 669-70
    tower of, gleamed in rays of setting sun GC 17
    treasures of first temple were returned from Babylon and placed in PK 616-7, 619
    treasury of, large sums of freewill offerings deposited in DA 155
    undertaking of Jews to rebuild PP 527-8