EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Temple (second)   [300]
       forces of evil alarmed by PK 582
       God moved on Cyrus to aid in PK 564
       God’s plan for PK 557
       halted more than a year by false Smerdis 4BC 1176;PK 573;
       in days of Ezra DA 188
       Jews became discouraged in PK 573
       messages by Haggai and Zechariah roused people to 4BC 1176;PK 573-81, 593-6;
       offerings freely given by people for PK 560
       portion of wall of first temple was used in DA 627;PK 563;
       preparation for, in Zerubbabel’s time PK 560
       Samaritans not permitted to help in DA 188;PK 567-8;
       Samaritans tried to hinder 4BC 1175-6;PK 567-73;
       subject of many prophecies PK 563
       work of, progressed slowly during Cambyses’ reign PK 572
       Zerubbabel met many difficulties during PK 594
    evening sacrifice at, Christ died at hour of DA 756-7
    Ezra and exiles returned to Jerusalem to build 1T 282
    Feast of Tabernacles celebrated with sacred song and thanksgiving at DA 448
    festive dances at, during Feast of Tabernacles DA 463
    foundation and life of, Christ was DA 165