EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Temple (Solomon’s) PK 35-50;4aSG 113-5;SR 193-5;    [138]
    treasures of, Ahaz gave to Tiglath-pileser some of PK 329
       brought from Babylon by Ezra and placed in second temple PK 616-7
    trusting in, vanity of PK 414
    unequaled for beauty, richness, and splendor 4aSG 155
    vessels of, placed in temple of Babylonish gods PK 479
       returned from Babylon to be placed in second temple PK 559
    was: diadem of beauty crowning sacred mount GC 23
       magnificent sanctuary PK 35
       marvel of beauty, richness, and glory 5BC 1093
       most magnificent building world ever saw GC 23;4aSG 155;
       palatial building PK 36
       pride of Israel PK 565
       symbol of God’s dwelling place MH 437;8T 284;
       to be house of prayer for all peoples DA 27
       to stand as perpetual sign of God’s favor to Israel PK 46;4aSG 99;
    why David was not permitted to build PP 711-2, 750
    would have stood forever if Israel had remained true to God PK 46, 564;4aSG 99, 114;SR 195;
    See also Sanctuary