EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

9. Ninth precept of PP 309;SC 116;1T 202;4T 607;
    forbids evil surmising, slander, and talebearing PP 309
    intentional suppression of truth that is forbidden by PP 309
    inviolable regard for exact truth is required by SD 64
    kinds of falsehood forbidden by PP 309
    oath taking and MB 67;1T 202;
    See also Deceit; Deception; Falsehood; Lie; Lying; Oath
10. Tenth precept of PP 309, 496
    acts of overreaching forbidden by SD 65
    antediluvians disregarded PP 92
    covetousness is condemned by SD 65
    Roman Church divided GC 52;SR 328;
    selfish desire forbidden by PP 309;SD 65;
    selfish gratification forbidden by SD 65
    strikes at root of all sins PP 309
    See also Covetousness; Selfishness
11. First four precepts of
    allow no separation of affection from God CT 329;1T 289;
    embodied in one 2T 43
    God’s claims stated in 3T 524