EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    summed up in one great precept COL 391;DA 607;
    written on second table of stone COL 391;EW 32;LS 101;
13. On tables of stone
    displayed in executive judgment GC 668-9;SR 425-6;
    displayed in heavens before second advent GC 639
    first table of, first four precepts written on EW 32-3;LS 100-1;
    God will bring forth, in judgment day 1BC 1109;7BC 972;CM 126;
    hidden by God till judgment day 1BC 1109;7BC 972;1SM 225;
    in heaven: angels look with awe and interest upon EW 252;GC 415;LS 95;PP 348-9;4aSG 8;1T 76;
       exact transcript of, in earthly sanctuary GC 434-5;SR 380-1;
       folded together EW 32;GC 639;LS 100;
       is great original 1BC 1109;7BC 972;GC 434-5;SR 380-1;3T 392;
       John was shown people looking with reverential awe at 2T 693
       See also Ark of covenant
    on earth: among Philistines seven months PP 581-9;4aSG 105-11;SR 186-91;
       called “tables of the testimony” PK 597;PP 319;3SG 294;4aSG 8;SR 154;
       Christ gave 1BC 1109;PP 366;
       copy of, given to Moses GC 414;PP 314;SD 56;SR 380;