EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    cannot live in hearts of persons of disorderly and filthy habits SD 173;2SM 474;
    ceremonial law and, efforts to confuse PP 365
    chanted to accompaniment of instrumental music Ed 39
    Christ and Father spoke, at Mt. Sinai 1BC 1103-4;Ev 616;
    Christ did not come to abolish PP 365;2SG 274;
    Christ did not nail, to cross PP 365
    Christ gave, to Israel PP 366, 475
    Christ gave Moses statutes to guard 1BC 1104
    Christ presented, as divine whole DA 607
    Christ referred rich young ruler to COL 391;DA 518;
    Christ refers to, in Matthew 5:17,18 DA 283;PP 365;
    Christ’s death established Ev 598
    Christ’s death proves, immutable PP 365
    claim that Christ’s death abolished Ev 598;GC 262, 466;
    claims of: above those of all other rulers 9T 93-4
       acceptance of truth re heavenly sanctuary involves acknowledgment of GC 435
    contain God’s testimony 4aSG 8;SR 154;
    cover man’s duty to God and to fellow man PP 305
    death pronounced by, upon transgressor PP 349